We will always do our best to assess the problem before starting work and to keep you informed about how the job is going along the way.
If we believe that you would be better off replacing rather than repairing a computer, we will tell you before we start work. If you purchase replacement parts or computers from us, we will provide high quality items that do not exceed your current and future needs at a reasonable price.
We will not permanently install anything other than properly licensed software on your computer.
We consider the motto 'First, do no harm' to be a guiding principle. Our goal is always to move forward safely while protecting your data, your technical investment and your system integrity.
We will always work as quickly as is practical, while still performing quality work.
We believe in preventive maintenance and will suggest that you allow us to do work that is in your best interest, but we will never suggest additional work that is not in line with current best practices.